Being on a very tight budget forced us to be creative and thrifty with what was already on our property. One of the first repurposing endeavors we undertook was using the boards that were ripped up from our flat deck to build raised beds where spruce roots would have made gardening challenging.
From the fencing that was around the garden to keep out the dogs who previously occupied this lot, we made tomato cages.

The planter boxes near our back entrance were falling apart (especially on the bottom) and were a sad shade of grey. Everything about this place seemed to be grey: interior walls, garage cabinets, ALL of the concrete, and deck. To add a splash of colour to the backyard after repairing the boxes with leftover laminate flooring and lining the inside with a plastic mattress cover, I painted them lime green.
The largest repurposing project is yet to be discussed....stay tuned!
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