We knew from early on in our homeownership that we wanted to remove a large part of the concrete in the backyard. Throughout the summer, we were making plans on what to do with the expanse of concrete. We got a few quotes to remove the concrete and they all came in over $1000. The money nor the desire to have the concrete going to the landfill were wishes of ours. Considering the great luck we had with buying, selling, and giving away things on Kijiji, we thought we would try posting "Concrete free for the taking." Besides some very lewd responses to the ad ("How dare you ask someone to rip up concrete for free" etc.), no one was interested. This lack of response, spurred our interest trying to break up the slab with a sledgehammer to make "urbanite" for others to use. The pieces did not come apart easily. The small area that Tim broke up below took 1.5 hours...

We decided to rent a concrete saw (instead of breaking our backs) to cut the slab into more easily moved blocks. Here Pam and Tim are ready to start at 8am sharp on October 23, 2010:
Pam and I did the majority of the cutting which lasted 8 hours with only a few breaks for coffee, lunch, and refueling.

Here is the finished product:
Tim and I pulled out the larger pieces to the alley for people to take. Little did we know that would be a futile effort... more on that in a much later post.
Events like this bring out dedicated friends to help--thanks Pam!
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