Friday, 1 June 2012

2012 Seedlings

Tim and I learned to garden in Oregon 5 years ago.   When we started I did all the seed ordering, planting, and directed what we did in the garden every year--except this year.  Having several jobs, including being the owner of Apple Tree Sustainables and co-founding Puzzle Permaculture, Inc. with my business partner Chrissy,  I was unable to even think about planning the garden.

With pride, Tim took on buying, planting, and tending the seeds.  As you can see, he did a GREAT job of raising them this year:

He *only* planted 42 tomato plants, beans, chard, kale, peas, squash, cucumbers, peppers, okra, thyme, sorrel, parsley, hollyhock, sweet pea, marigold, borage and likely others that I have not even noticed.  

If you need some cucumbers or tomatoes for your garden, bring something by to trade us for them.  None of our zucchini seeds sprouted, so we would love some of those!   All plants have been organically raised, some are saved seeds and most are heirloom varieties.  

5,000+ new pets

Since learning about beekeeping from our friend in Oregon, we have been fascinated with them and fanatics about using honey in every way we can.  When my friend Chrissy gave me the opportunity to bee-sit her hive this season, I jumped at the chance.  But first we had to move it off an office building rooftop...

This is the point at which you hope the duct tape is on securely!

 Here they are in their new location in our yard.  

A few days after the move they were bringing in lots of pollen as you can see on their legs.  

It took the bees a couple of days before they calmed down from the traumatic move, but now they are calm and happy.  We like to enjoy our coffee next to our beehive in the morning to watch them take their first flights of the day.